Anniversary prints | Georg Baselitz, Tacita Dean, Tal R and Matt Saunders

BORCH Editions presents a series of four anniversary prints along with a selection of original prints by Mamma Andersson, Tal R and Matt Saunders
In celebration of the print studio’s 40th anniversary in 2019, BORCH Editions has published four prints by four artists who have built comprehensive bodies of printed work in collaboration with the printmaking studio.
BORCH Editions was founded by Niels Borch Jensen in 1979 and has since established a position as one of the world’s leading printmaking studios and publishers of original prints. Master printers Julie Dam and Mette Ulstrup have been with BORCH Editions for more than three decades. Thomas Jennions joined the team in 2015. The printers’ skills and experience have been crucial in establishing sustainable, long term working relationships with internationally renowned artists.
The first contribution, an etching made from two plates by Georg Baselitz, is printed by master printer Mette Ulstrup. Matt Saunders’ etching Marthe in the Garden, is printed by master printer Thomas Jennions. Tal R’s print Lillen, a combination of woodcut and etching, is printed by master printer Julie Dam. And the fourth print , Tacita Dean’s photogravure Expulsion from Paradise, has just been released and is printed by master printer and founder Niels Borch Jensen.

Learn more about Mamma Andersson, Tal R, Matt Saunders