
Artist Talk | Marie Rud Rosenzweig & Anna Stahn

Event 06.02.2514.02.24

Artist talk with Marie Rud Rosenzweig & Anna Stahn moderated by visual artist Filip Vest Thursday 6 February 6 — 7 pm


Marie Rud Rosenzweig & Anna Stahn | Two Suspects

Event 13.12.2414.02.25

The theme of Two Suspects revolves around the feminine in a world where the fascination for true crime, violence and the uncanny is significantly present in entertainment culture.


Peter Linde Busk | Nightshades

Event 05.10.2407.12.24

BORCH Editions is delighted to present Nightshades, a series of unique prints by Peter Linde Busk in our showroom.


Jockum Nordström | Recent projects

Event 07.08.2427.09.24

A presentation of Swedish Artist Jockum Nordström’s latest print projects includes multi-coloured etchings and monoprints. BORCH Editions Showroom reopens after a summer break with a presentation of Jockum Nordström’s latest […]


More Human Than Human | Nanna Debois Buhl, Adam Jeppesen, Ann Lislegaard & Fiona Tan

Event 03.05.2425.07.24

The group exhibition More Human Than Human brings together recent print projects by Nanna Debois Buhl, Adam Jeppesen, Ann Lislegaard, and Fiona Tan.


Meet the Artist | Nanna Debois Buhl

Event 24.04.2424.04.24

Nanna Debois Buhl in conversation with astrophysicist Anja Cetti Andersen Wednesday 24 April 5.30 — 6.30 pm


Maria Wæhrens | Monotypes and monoprints

Event 02.03.2426.04.24

New monotypes and monoprints by Maria Wæhrens on view.


Meet the Artist | Maria Wæhrens

Event 02.03.2402.03.24

Maria Wæhrens in conversation with curator Mai Dengsøe Saturday 2 March 2 — 3 pm


Trine Søndergaard | Blind Side I-V

Event 24.01.2423.02.24

BORCH Editions is delighted to present the latest print project by Trine Søndergaard in our Copenhagen Showroom.


Tacita Dean | Recent Projects

Event 04.11.2313.01.24

BORCH Editions’ presentation of prints by Tacita Dean features ‘Telomere 4’, a large-scale photogravure with screenprint created for her 2023 exhibition at the Pinault Collection’s Bourse de Commerce in Paris, alongside a selection of other recent printmaking projects.


Idun Baltzersen | Nordic Design

Event 03.09.2318.11.22

Nordic Design, a series of four woodcuts by Idun Baltzersen, is now on view in BORCH Editions’ Copenhagen showroom.


Emma Kohlmann | Etchings and Monotypes

Event 03.06.2318.08.23

For her etchings and monotypes, Emma Kohlmann draws on an archive of figures and motives she has developed in her practice as a painter.


Pick your framed print on Saturday 3 Dec

Event 03.12.2203.12.22

Visit the studio for this limited offer and learn more about original prints, while our master printers are working at the presses.


Meet the Artist | Hannah Heilmann

Event 26.10.2226.10.22

Hannah Heilmann in conversation with author Liv Sejrbo Lidegaard. Visit the studio Wednesday 26 October 6 — 7 pm


New Etchings | Hannah Heilmann, Marie Rud Rosenzweig, Alexander Tovborg

Event 29.09.2218.11.22

We are delighted to present new editions by Hannah Heilmann, Marie Rud Rosenzweig, and Alexander Tovborg in our Showroom.


Selected Prints

Event 01.06.2216.09.22

We are delighted to present selected print projects by Per Bak Jensen, Clay Ketter, Tal R, Anna Stahn, and Alexander Tovborg in our Showroom.


Meet the Artist | Anna Stahn

Event 19.05.2219.05.22

Visit the studio and meet the artist Thursday 19 May 5 — 6 pm


Meet the Artist | Adam Jeppesen

Event 02.04.2202.04.22

Visit the studio and meet the artist Saturday 2 April 2 — 3pm


Drypoint | Per Kirkeby, Michel Majerus and Tal R

Event 02.03.2227.05.22

BORCH Editions is delighted to present print projects by Per Kirkeby, Michel Majerus, and Tal R in our Showroom.


Anniversary prints | Georg Baselitz, Tacita Dean, Tal R and Matt Saunders

Event 24.11.2125.02.22

Four anniversary prints and a selection of original prints by Mamma Andersson, Tal R and Matt Saunders


No Plan at All | Book Launch and Talk

Event 30.11.2130.11.21

Book launch with a conversation between Niels Borch Jensen and Maria Kjær Themsen, at 5pm on 30 November.

Showroom, News

In Print | Pro

Event 19.11.2121.11.21

pro will facilitate a week-long residency at BORCH Editions’ studio. Four emerging artists are invited to come and work with our team of master printers.


Matt Saunders | Ratlos / Indomitable

Event 03.09.2112.11.21

In our Copenhagen Showroom, we present a selection of large-scale etchings from Matt Saunders’ series Ratlos /Indomitable I-V, 2017


John Zurier | Etchings & Monotypes

Event 26.05.2130.07.21

A selection of etchings and monotypes by John Zurier on view in our Showroom.


Meet the Artist | Trine Søndergaard

Event 19.05.2119.05.21

Visit the studio and meet the artist Wednesday 19 May at 16.00 or 17.00


Trine Søndergaard | Photogravure

Event 03.03.2121.05.21

Visit BORCH Editions’ Showroom and experience Trine Søndergaard’s photogravures.


Ragnar Kjartansson | Woodcuts & Etchings

Event 11.11.2019.02.21

Visit BORCH Editions’ Showroom and experience Ragnar Kjartansson’s first printmaking projects.


Wardell Milan | The Balcony

Event 07.10.2007.11.20

In The Balcony Milan explores the absurdity of politics, social and political structures, power dynamics and spectatorship and how these forces affect one’s personal existence.

Showroom, Art fairs

CHART Art Fair 2020 De-centered

Event 28.08.2030.08.20

This year’s CHART Art Fair has been adjusted to the current situation and will take place at local venues across the Nordic capital cities and online. At our Copenhagen print studio we invite visitors to come and experience the art of printmaking. In our showroom, we present print projects by Tacita Dean while the master printers in the studio are working on a new series of prints by Julie Mehretu.


Tal R | Adidas Boy and : tingsted

Event 23.07.20

BORCH Editions is excited to present Tal R’s most recent print projects ‘Adidas Boy’ (2020) and ‘: tingsted’ (2019) at the Copenhagen Showroom. The presentation coincides with Tal R’s solo exhibition at Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek in Copenhagen.


Per Kirkeby | Monoprints

Event 13.03.2031.05.20

Per Kirkeby announced the end of his career as a painter in 2015. His collaboration with BORCH Editions, which dates back as far as 1979, continued nevertheless, and in 2017 he created a series of multi-coloured monoprints in collaboration with master printer Mette Ulstrup.