35 + 15, Celebrating 50 Years of Niels Borch Jensen

BORCH Gallery is delighted to present a survey exhibition of works celebrating the past 35 years at the print studio in Copenhagen and 15 years at the gallery in Berlin. We are bringing together works made in our print studio from the early days to the present, showcasing a range of techniques and artists from across the globe.
BORCH Gallery & Editions was established in Copenhagen in 1979 with the aim of bringing emerging and established contemporary artists to work seriously with print media by producing projects that stand as significant, self-contained works of art. Our gallery space in Berlin was subsequently opened in 1999.
The heart of BORCH Gallery & Editions is the Copenhagen printmaking studio. Most of our editions are in classic intaglio techniques using copper printing plates, but since 1990 photogravure has become an area of special expertise for the print studio as it is one of the most popular techniques amongst our artists. Furthermore, we produce woodcuts, offset-lithographs, and monotypes.
The printmaking, always done in-house at our Copenhagen facilities, is a close collaborative process between the artists, Niels Borch Jensen and his team of master-printers. The collaboration usually continues over many years and projects, allowing the artists to build up a comprehensive body of printed work that explores various aspects of the medium and ties in closely with their oeuvre. Many of the artists we exhibit have been working with us for over a decade. With this exhibition, we intend to show printmaking as one of the veins running through the contemporary art world for the past four decades rather than portraying individual artists careers, and to capture the versatility within that vein – the multitude of expressions within the print medium.